Sunday, April 26, 2009


very very very hot weather.....cant sleep without aircond....dont knwwat happen to the world ody....i cant sleep in my room if i came back from my night shift..i went to my parentz room just bcoz i want to slept in the aircond...but when i get my bill today i get shock...the electricity we use for this month is 300 that moments i really faint know wat else i can do ody....its really so hot at kk.....i pray for raining...hahahaha

Friday, April 10, 2009


我终于来报道了。。。最近好吗?我开始工作了。。。毕业只是短短的三个月,我的第一份护士工作就被派去深切治疗部。 听到这个消息时,我的心顿时停止跳动五秒钟。我万万没想到,一个刚毕业的新手,竟然会被派去这一个部门。。没法啦我唯有硬着头去咯!!!

